Ottawa WCS Community Beach Party
Come out for a day at Britannia Beach and reconnect with Ottawa’s WCS community (no WCS dancing today; that’s coming on the 25th)! Partners, children, and pets welcome.
Pack a lunch, bring a blanket or chair to mark your space, and get to know each other again after a year and a half apart. It might be a bit chilly, but it is a beach, so if you’re up to it, bring swimwear for an impromptu West Coast Swim!
The beach/park doesn’t allow pre-booking of specific spots, so we will not be coordinating social dancing at this event.
We know everyone has their own risk tolerance relative to COVID. So do we. If you plan to attend, we ask that you be vaccinated and that you RSVP with us through the ticket link here (don’t worry, it’s free). In addition to aiding with contact tracing, it will help us test our new registration/check-in system for future events.
For simplicity’s sake, we ask that you default to maintaining 6 feet social distance where possible, but if you do want to get closer to someone outside your household, treat it like a social dance: ask them and respect their decision. We will also have stickers you may use to indicate your comfort level:
- Red: Please maintain 6ft social distance.
- Yellow: You can come closer, but please wear a mask.
- Green: You can come closer without a mask.
- No sticker: Ask me.
It’s been far too long, and we look forward to seeing everyone again!